Now I know right off the bat that my dear friend
Paulette is going to be turning a variety of shades of red as she sees this at the top of my blog post, but I did try to give her plenty of notice before it's posting. Isn't this pin just fabulous?!
Paulette, also known as
Beedeebabee is the artisan who crafts these beautiful creations. I have to say that one of the highlights of my birthday week was actually speaking, by phone for the very first time, to
Paulette. A little more on that in a bit. When I look at the craftsmanship that goes into the intricate sewing of these pins, it amazes me and I am so thankful to now own a
Beedeebabee original!
Love you girl!
So, while I was taking photos of all the fabulous papers I shared with you last night, my doorbell rang with a parcel from the UK....talk about excitement! While Paulette's gift was a complete surprise, I knew to expect this parcel because, well...it's from
Sarah and it was my birthday!
Sarah knows how much
I LOVE some of the British craft and stamping magazines, so she lovingly gets them for me along with other goodies and sends them along. I reciprocate with things from the US that she would love to have, but the book that was a part of this parcel was a very lovely surprise!
Sue Roddis is one of the UK's artistic stamping 'celebrities' and
Sarah has done a number of workshops with her. This is Sue's brand, spankin' new book and of course,
IT'S SIGNED! I looooove it!
you know your are my very bestest friend! Love you!
So...this cupcake totally loses something in the translation....
IT'S HUGE and it was
YUMMY! This was a treat from my mom after we enjoyed lunch together the day before my birthday.
Lemon Creme and
French Vanilla...oh my goodness!
Here comes the lovely stuff.......I never thought in a million years that I would meet a person via the internet and connect in a way that would change my life for the good...well dear friends, that has happened twice in the past 9 years. Those of you who experienced this have your own unique story, I'm sure. I shared how
Sarah and I met back when I first started my blog...the link isn't quite working, so just go back to my June 2009 archives and look for '
My Favorite Friend From England'. Now...enter
Paulette and now....
click here for our story.
I remember my very first phone call to England to speak
Sarah. After that call, I talked about her to Paul for hours. When I spoke to
Paulette on my birthday a few days ago, same thing. When you put a voice to the photos and messages, it changes everything, and in our cases, definitely for the better!
Sarah and I have been through LOTS of personal triumphs and tragedies together and would imagine that the same will be true for
Paulette and I.
Sarah and I have had two occasions to spend spans of time together, she came to the US and stayed with Paul and I and on our last trip to see my mother-in-law, we spent a few days at '
the manor house' with
Sarah and her wonderful family. I would assume that it will only be a matter of time before I will meet
Paulette face-to-face as well.
Finally....the really cool thing now is that both
Sarah and
Paulette have become followers of one another's blogs as well, I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG LAND, don't you?!
Thank you for indulging me for a bit...not only about my birthday celebration but also about the personal things that make coming to this computer a joy...I mean 'who'da thunk, huh?!'