This is just a quick little note to remind you that it's ok to
create something quick 'n easy. Layered cards have so much dimension but take very little time.
The stamps used on this project:
Swirly Background ~ Scrappy Cat
'What's Up' ~ Impression Obsession
Here's is what else you will need for this project:
Cardstock in brown and clay orange
K&Company A-Z Mat Pad Papers
Colorbox Chalk Ink in Burnt Sienna & Yellow Citrus
K&Company Actopus to Zelephant Circus Train Border
Circle Punch
Double stick Flat and Foam Tapes
Cut, score & fold brown cardstock to desired size. Cut clay orange cardstock to fit as a top layer and stamp Swirly Background with Burnt Sienna and place on top of card.
Cut square from a coordinating paper and shade around edges using yellow citrus ink.
Cut center circle using punch from K&Co background paper and adhere to card
Cut one image from K&Co Train Border and adhere to square. Insert brads where the train wheels would be and layer on top of circle with foam tape.
Stamp 'What's Up' underneath circle in burnt sienna ink.....it's that easy!
AND DON'T FORGET ..... There's still time to enter to win my BLOG CANDY!
See the post below for all the details!