I am very excited to share this next artist/author with you.
Wendy Vecchi has become one of the most sought-after
mixed media stamp artists in the U.S. Her style is so relevant
to the new products on the market today.
On a personal note, I had a slight brush with this
wonderful artist as she became a customer of my
stamp store, which at this moment, seems a lifetime ago.
She has since become a stamp designer and author,
a design team member for Tim Holtz Ideaology, Maya Road
and is a Certified Ranger Instructor.
Her newest book, 'Make Art 490 Style Book 2'
is selling like crazy and I am really glad she had time
to visit with us here at The Open Window.
Wendy ... I know you don't live too far down the road from
The Open Window. Tell us where and what do you love about it?
We live on 5 acres in the country, outside of Oglesby, Illinois.
We call it 'Green Acres'.
Think about this, just like the TV show:
bleach blonde...likes diamonds...
goofy, very sweet husband...plenty of animals.
I love my home because I have my studio here. Walking
through the door makes me oh so happy!
A benefit to living in the country...no window treatments
are needed, so I have minimal valances, some of which are made
from cloth napkins. That let's in LOTS of lights which I LOVE
and need to survive the dreadful Illinois winters.
I would love if you would share some of your professional
creative credits with us...
Oh boy, mom said it's not nice to brag, but since you asked...
I'm living a fairytale. I'm honored to be on the design teams for
Maya Road and Tim Holtz Ideaology, two very cool,
top-notch companies. I'm also very happy to be Ranger's
exclusive demo artist, which means I demo for them at CHA
using their products. Part of that requires making plenty of
art for their CHA booth. I have also done some technique
videos and free tutorials. Just check out Ranger.com.

I am also thrilled to have my own line of signature stamps called
Studio 490 They are manufactured by my friends
I was recently a guest instructor for Tim for the
Artful Voyage in Mexico. It was an amazing experience
and I was totally honored to be a part of it.
I've been published in quite a few magazines both in
the U.S. and in the UK.
Which came first for you, rubber stamping or mixed media?
I've always done something creative...needlepoint, cross stitch,
tole painting. When I found rubber stamps, I KNEW that was
exactly what I was looking for. It all clicked and just made
sense to me. I will be playing with rubber for a very long time.
It's obvious you have a passion for paper.
What else are you passionate about?
I LOVE the hunt...antiques to fit our home.
I LOVE organizing, especially art supplies. Finding just the
right storage container makes me giddy!
Shopping is a passion. My hubby says that if it were an
Olympic event, I'd be on the center podium, but I'm not sure
if that's really a compliment...
I LOVE fresh flowers, too. I could have a bouquet in every
room of the house, every day of the year.
You now have 2 books. Writing is a creative process in
itself. How does it compare to 'making art'?
It was much harder than I thought it would be. I wanted to
write the instructions so that whoever bought the book could
follow them and make art. I was lucky to be able to write it
exactly as I talk and add a bit of humor here and there.
I agonized over 'will they understand what I mean by this',
but the reviews have made me very happy.
What art tools can you NOT live without?
For sure my stamps and Ranger inks. One tool that I LOVE
is my Genesis paper trimmer. It's pricey, but worth every penny.
OK...I'll admit I am totally addicted to grungepaper and
chipboard mini-books. Hey, you have to have something
to use those inks on!
In the creative world, what have you NOT done yet, that you
would really like to do?
Hmmm...I'd like to design some signature product, something
new, exciting and different. No ideas yet, but I'm always thinking.
Who inspires you, living or otherwise?
I get the most inspiration from my friend, Tim Holtz.
His products are always fresh and I adore his style.
I also love to look at art made by
Jenni Bowlin and Rebecca Sower.
They each have a very distinct and unique style that I
find very inspiring.
Now for a little fun...
If you could be any fictional character,
who or what would it be?
I think Samantha from the TV show 'Bewitched'. I could just
pop myself anywhere and avoid the drive to the airport. I could
get to stores quicker and have more time to make art!
Any favorite snacks that you keep within reach in your studio?
Nope...my fingers are ALWAYS full of ink, so no eating
in the studio for me!
Coffee, tea...or something more potent?
Both and both, hot or cold...and I LOVE
a good mojito, especially if it's made by my friend, Mario.
His are the best! I love a good Cosmo, too.
What's one more thing that I haven't asked that
you would like to share?
I guess I want people to know that I was a surgical nurse for
30 years. I have no art degree and you'll see no graphic design
on my resume either. I believe with all my heart that if you
REALLY want to make art, YOU CAN!
I've really enjoyed getting to know Wendy, haven't you?!
I hope you will visit Studio490art, Wendy's blog and I
would really appreciate it if you told her you read her
Autograph Session here at The Open Window.
Watch the March issue of Stamper's Sampler
as the guest artist is, Wendy Vecchi!
You can find Wendy's books and stamps
at Stamper's Anonymous and our friends in
the UK can get yours from our other friend
Wendy, at The Stamp Attic.
To read other autograph sessions,
just click for Diana Trout and Sue Roddis
Please leave a comment and let me know what you
think of Autograph Sessions.
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I truly appreciate hearing from you!