I continue to call it
'inking outside of the box'!

I am impressed with every single blog that I visit because each one has something different to offer. No two are alike, each are unique and all have a wonderful purpose.
Sarah host of The Art of Moodling...many of you know that Sarah is one of my very best friends. She is from the U.K. and we have a very unique history(see the June archives).
I thank Sarah for encouraging me to get my blog 'in the air' as it were. I told Sarah just yesterday that if it weren't for her, my blog would still be just living inside of my head.
Paulette host of Beedeebabee...I met Paulette when we were both experiencing 'technical difficulties' with our blogs. Since then, she has been such an encourager
and quite probably, (and I say this laughing) one of my biggest fans! She and I are prime examples of how any type of art or craft can bring friends together.
Mona host of Cupcake's Creations...I've said it before, I have no idea how I stumbled on to Mona's blog, but it is pure eye-candy and I have quite a sweet tooth! I love her creativity and her world travels make you feel like you are traveling right along with her. She loves her followers and is always kind enough to take a moment to respond to each and every comment left on her blog. For that, we all thank you, Mona!
CelticWoman host of Paper Trail...she has such a lovely blog and always takes the time to leave comments when she visits. Make sure you take time to stop by and say hello.
Kelly host of Kreative Korner by Kelly...She has a really sweet blog, very colorful and fun projects are posted there. When you go to her blog, there are 2 things that will immediately catch your attention. Her colorful background and her 'sparkling' guestbook.
Make sure you 'sign in' when you stop by!
Thank you to these lovely ladies and to all who continue to support The Open Window.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I LOVE THIS PLACE!